Grab the keys to your new home.​
We Buy Houses
Do you have PROBLEMS with your house?
We can HELP. We buy houses FAST and with CASH! Let us take the stress away…
• Distressed Property
• Inherited Homes
• Behind on Payment or Taxes
• Need to sell fast
Have you been turned down for traditional lending?
Do you think you can't qualify for a home loan?
We help regular people like you become homeowners because we believe everyone should have an opportunity to build their legacy.
Less than perfect credit OK!
Contact us Now to APPLY and get started on your path to homeownership!
Reward Program
Know someone who has a real estate problem?
Earn $1000
For every transaction that you refer to us, you will receive a $1000 referral bonus once we close on the property!
Any area, any condition
For sale by owner
Propertied not listed with realtors
Single family
We believe "you can have everything in life you want, if you will just help enough other people get what they want.” ~ Zig Ziglar
Meet the Team!
We are Jason and Marlene Harvey co-owners of Innovative Property Services, LLC. Our mission focuses on helping to build legacies by providing families with real estate solutions, one home at a time.
As real estate investors we look for creative ways to solve real estate problems and create win-win outcomes for our clients and partners.
We're based in Cheyenne, WY and members of the local business community and Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce. Our core value are integrity, respect, partnership and empowerment. Do you have a real estate problem? Contact us today, we can find the solution together!